Clam Shell CD/DVD Holder Disk Storage

Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
250 $0.54 each
500 $0.53 each
1000 $0.52 each
2500 $0.51 each
5000 $0.50 each
10000 $0.49 each
$30.00 each
Union Printed, Clam Shell CD Holder, This attractive CD Case Advantages over conventional cases it is lightweight, very thin, and virtually unbreakable and space effective,Impact Resistant - made of a durable one-piece construction plastic means no hinges to break, Ideal for storing discs in your car or home, Great for a mail out promo! Decorated in our Union Shop - Union Bug Available at No Charge!

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Side: 1 side

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location 1: Front

Decoration Method: Screen printed

Packaging: Bulk